About NZKC

New Zealand Kitchen Cooperative
We’re the New Zealand Kitchen Cooperative.

We help businesses in the joinery industry gain access to better buying power

Established in 2014
The New Zealand Kitchen Cooperative (NZKC) was established in 2014. The Director saw an opportunity to help others in the joinery industry achieve better buying rates, by purchasing together.
Members nationwide
The New Zealand Kitchen Cooperative (NZKC) is group of individually owned and operated joinery manufacturers located throughout the country.
Better pricing
The New Zealand Kitchen Cooperative (NZKC) offers each affiliate the opportunity to purchase joinery materials and business services, with the aim of achieving the best possible buy price now and in the future.
Trusted supply partners
The New Zealand Kitchen Cooperative (NZKC) is supported by many well-known International & NZ Industry Supply Partners, who provide preferential pricing and services in return for purchasing loyalty.
The National Support Office operates to provide ongoing support to our Affiliates and Supply Partners.

Our people

Murray Belz, Owner – NZKC
Murray is the founder and owner of the New Zealand Kitchen Cooperative. He is actively involved in the business and oversees the entire group, along with driving strategic initiatives and ongoing growth of the business.



Dave Wilson, National Operations Manager
Dave’s focus is on recruitment of Affiliates to grow the Cooperative. In doing so we are providing a strong platform for building more profitable Affiliates. Dave is also responsible for communications to Affiliates from our National Support Office and Supply Partners.
Contact Dave on dave.wilson@nzkitchencoop.co.nz.


Kevin Belz, Group General Manager
Kevin has been on the team since 2001 and heads up the Group National Office. Kevin is responsible for the NZKC, focusing on our key group of Supply Partners.
Contact Kevin on kevin.belz@nzkitchencoop.co.nz.



Interested? Let's get in touch!

An opportunity exists to become an Affiliate Member of the New Zealand Kitchen Cooperative.
Register your interest